2014-10-06 1:18 PM
I downloaded, installed and used your STM32Cube software, Great Stuff, but when it came time to generate the code I was given a choice of :
EWARM IAR MDK-ARM Keil TrueStudio AtollicTool chains, where is the GNU tool chains?
GNU GCC ARM Tool Chain GNU Sourcery CodeBench Lite I've been linked to Microchip for 13 years and am looking to move to ARM based MCU's but the one requirement is Open Source and support for new products the SAME year they are released. I purchased your STM32F4 Discovery and was amazed that the cost/performance, that is one of the reason I started looking into ARM based MCU's.Let me know if there is plans on adding GNU tool chains to STM32Cube, thanks #atm32cube-tool-chain-gnu-gcc-arm2014-10-06 1:39 PM
Last time I checked Atollic was using some GNU/Eclipse mashup
It has been suggested to ST at several levels that having Cube generate GNU/GCC makefiles would be a desirable goal, although honestly if it were critically important I'm sure someone could write a script to translate the XML project file into a makefile. For the PIC32 one could presumably use the MIPS GNU/GCC compiler