2020-06-12 12:07 AM
I'm setting up a STM32H7A3Zi using Cube in Keil uVision. As you can see in the attached image, HAL:DEBUG is missing. Where can I get this component?
If I press resolve or Select Packs this component doesn't appear. Any help?
Thank you
2020-12-16 1:14 PM
I'm having the same problem. Is there a solution?
2020-12-16 1:28 PM
Building for the NUCLEO-H7A3ZI here, V1.6.0 is pretty antiquated
Keil 5.27 with H7 V1.8.0 here. Seem to recall 5.33 is available
2020-12-16 2:13 PM
That's what mine looks like until I compile; everything is green (I don't see a debug option in your screenshot either). With only the stm32cube generated code I get several linker warnings when I compile and then the Manage Run-Time Environment window changes to look like the image posted above with STM32Cube Framework (API) in red and the message "require Device:STM32Cube HAL:DEBUG". Any idea what's going on?