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STM32Cube defect tracker, does one exist?

Associate II
Posted on April 13, 2015 at 12:14

Is there a publically available defect tracker for STM32Cube? Given the complexity of the offering, and the numerous bugs listed in these forums for various different versions/processor targets, wouldn't it be very helpful to allow the community to report bugs, or at least view their official status, via some kind of web interface?

At the moment, it seems the only option is to wade through these forums and pick out the defects from the various threads posted. Have I missed something?

Associate II
Posted on April 15, 2015 at 11:24


I also wonder, why there is no bug-tracker for this sw project. It seems to be a serious product - and helps a lot BTW. To help it get even better and more and more bug-less, why do the developers ignore this wish? I hope this is only a personal feeling while browsing through many more or less good tagged bug reports spreaded in this forum.

I've to search for this because I discovered some bugs or better: it takes some time to find out, it is not my fault... ;-).

STM, you miss a big benefit. Yes, bugtrackers are fair, open and let all users know, where the problems are. But they are a good statement and the ideal tool in the ''war against the the bugs''. Think about it - I know you've done it already...
