2016-02-06 5:52 AM
Stm32Cube c++ project for TrueStudio
2016-02-08 12:31 AM
Hi halezov.stanislav,
Text description is empty,there is only the title of your post witch cannot give us a clear idea about the problem you are facing or the information you are looking.Could you explain the purpose of your post?-Syrine-2016-02-15 7:09 AM
I think you must go the generated project, under the Truestudio directory, open the .project file and
under the tag <natures> it already has <nature>org.eclipse.cdt.core.cnature</nature>. You just need to add <nature>org.eclipse.cdt.core.ccnature</nature> and reopen your project. Under settings there will be the C++ compiler settings enabled. The symbols and the directories for including files will be the default ones. You just have to copy them from the C compiler settings. In order to add c++ files and headers to your project you should be careful and remember to add #ifdef __cplusplus extern ''C'' { #endif at the top and #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif at the bottom of the files, where needed. Hope this helps.