2010-03-03 8:26 AM
STM3210C-EVAL: Application Example
#utasker-stm3210c-eval #stm3210c-leds #lis302-accelerometer-lcd-demo2012-01-16 6:05 AM
The thread is nearly two years old, the newer date on subsequent posts reflects when the forum was rebuilt. The original posters are likely gone. Try contacting the one with the yahoo address directly.
If you are looking to run GCC under Windows, perhaps you should look at some of the WinARM packages, at least one has some STM32 example code, linker script and make file. There is also Yagarto and Code Sourcery, the latter has an STM32 targeted build as I recall. Keil and IAR evals, code limited as they are, would still make for a relatively painless introduction to the STM32 family, with bundled examples and ST firmware library code.2012-01-16 3:41 PM
Also Rowely Crossworks is GCC based, as is ATOLLIC TrueStudio (Lite). The uTasker project support the STM3210C-EVAL with these compilers, as well as IAR, Keil: It can be seen in operation here: Regards Mark