2015-01-08 4:46 AM
I want to know what happend when I do a software reset exactlly. I use the function NVIC_SystemReset that set the SYSRESETREQ bit. In the documentation I found:The SYSRESETREQ bit in Cortex™-M4F Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register
must be set to force a software reset on the device. Refer to the Cortex™-M4F technical reference manual for more details. And in the Cortex technical reference manual:See you vendor documentation for more information about the use of this signal in your implementation.
So the loop is done ^^. Where can I found a detailed exlaination about what are the actions done when SYSRESETREQ is set on a STm32F405?2015-01-08 6:00 AM
Assume it drives NRESET low, as would an external reset button. Which is why it's important not to drive NRESET high with external circuitry as it prevents the CPU from resetting properly.
2015-01-08 6:10 AM
From RM0090
''Software resetThe reset source can be identified by checking the reset flags in the RCC clock control & status register (RCC_CSR).
The SYSRESETREQ bit in Cortex®-M4 with FPU Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register must be set to force a software reset on the device. Refer to the Cortex®-M4 with FPU technical reference manual for more details.''