2013-04-03 1:38 AM
Hi everybody
I am working with stm32 to store data into a micro sdcard (64 Mega Bytes) and everything works fine but when i decided to work with sdcard(4 G Bytes) i found a problem in sdcard initialization. #no-crystal-ball2013-04-03 2:09 AM
''i found a problem in sdcard initialization''
Well, thanks for the information! If you want people to give suggestions to fix this ''problem'', do you not thing that it would be necessary for them to know what this ''problem'' is, exactly? And what steps you have taken to debug it so far?http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#beprecise
2013-04-03 2:16 AM
ST supplied code has known deficiencies, like representing byte offsets with 32-bit values. I've addressed these before.
There are some more subtle DMA issues with Ultra (SDXC) cards, and the standard format of 64GB+ cards is ExFat2013-04-03 2:49 AM
I use the spi to connect to my sdcard.
my problem is that the function MSDGetresponse return MSD_RESPONSE_FAILURE.I think that a timeout is happen.2013-04-03 3:56 AM
I think that i should change the functions MSDReadBuffer and MSDwritebuffer.Do you have any idea how i can change it.