2014-12-03 5:23 AM
Hi all,
I'm working with stm32f103zhc6 mcu and the issue is that I cant write AFIO_MAPR2 register. Is the issue because the register exists in XL-density devices only or some special action should be applied to get an access to this register? #afio_mapr22014-12-03 5:31 AM
Can you modify any of the AFIO registers? Is the AFIO clock enabled?
2014-12-03 5:41 AM
AFIO clock enabled and I can successfully write to MAPR (but not to MAPR2)
2014-12-03 7:26 AM
I, and apparently Google, are not familiar with your STM32F103ZH part, care to cite a data sheet for it?
Since a lot of the values appear to relate to peripherals only in the XL series parts, yes I'd assume it's related to that.