2013-06-16 3:38 AM
I'm using IAR.
My board wold not get programated. In fact the program annonce that the program was successfully downloaded and the debug mode is opned but the program in the stm32 wold not change :\ when I chek the debug mode the code get blocked in the file of startup_stm32f4xx.s in the ligne 197-198 ''BusFault_Handler B BusFault_Handler'' and the led LD1 get off ! I'm having this problem after pushing the reset boutton when I was debugging2013-06-16 5:24 AM
You can restart the board with BOOT0 high, this would permit you to erase the chip without the current failing code stopping you.
You need to review what your code was doing that might cause this problem. For the Hard Fault you'll need to examine the processor state and registers at the fault, and determine what the faulting instruction is.2013-06-16 6:08 AM
I tried that but the current program would not get deleted !
2013-06-16 6:16 AM
I tried that but the current program would not get deleted !
You would appear to be out of luck. You could try the ST-Link utilities, and make sure you have most current firmware and drivers.2013-06-16 7:02 AM
It work fin now :)
I delete the firmware by the stm32 st_link utility :)