2014-03-14 9:11 AM
I have the STM32F4 Discovery board (STM32F407 MCU) and was wondering if it is possible to enable fractional baud rates on this board. I'd like to get a UART input rate of 100000 baud.
2014-03-14 9:30 AM
Why would that depend on the *board* rather than on the *chip*?
The answer is yes, but whether your particular baudrate is achievable and practical (i.e. error small enough) depends on the respective APB clock. Review RM0090 chapter 30.3.4. JW2014-03-14 9:47 AM
It uses the fractional mode all the time, basically you divide the APB clock by (baud * 16) and by happenstance you both need a x16 clock, and there are 4-bits for the fractional setting.
So with a 42 MHz APB, write 420 in the BRR for 100000 baud2014-03-14 9:55 AM
Good point on the chip vs the board. I wasn't sure what rates the APB clock could do. I'll keep pulling documents and checking.
2014-03-14 9:56 AM
Perfect! This should get me up and running right away. Thank you.