2016-09-27 12:56 AM
Does anyone know if it is possible to get STM32 CubeMX to generate a project that is ''predefined'' to be loaded using a bootloader?
Essentially, this would involve being able to specify the program load address and vector table offset. The obvious place for this would be in the linker settings portion of the Project Settings dialog, along with the specification of the heap and stack size.Failing that, does anyone know if there is already a way to achieve the same result using Cube? Thanks,2016-09-27 03:16 AM
Hi boyd.bruce,
The CubeMX is a software tool that aims only to generate an initialization code for your application to start with and does not generate a complete ready to use applications. To develop an in-application programmming application, I recommend the application note '' STM32 in-application programming (IAP) using the USART'' provided with a firmware that helps you . -Hannibal-