2014-11-19 05:24 AM
Hi everyone
I'm currently student in engineering and my teacher ask me yesterday to do a project on the stm32F4 (one week project) with the ide Eclipse.I decided to work on a mp3 player. At first i thought i would be able to read data from a usb key but i found it may be to difficult. So i decided to have a look for reading audio file from uSD card. But a former student told me that it would be more simple for me to read the file from the internal flash memory of the stm32f4. I looked to the project example proposed by ST but i didn't find any information. The file audio_playback_and_record that i found online doesn't help me at all. Do you have any tutorial to advise or any informations that could be useful to guide me? Thank you for the help!!2014-11-19 06:43 AM
This is surely the role of your teacher?
The size of the internal flash would tend to be a limiting factor in the size of your MP3. For small files you could convert the bytes of the file into a hex array format the C compiler could use as an #include file. You have some familiarity with basic file IO functions, right? Do you have a sufficient working knowledge to implement the conversion of MP3 to PCM data on a PC? Your primary hurdle would be to do that same thing on an STM32 with an SDCard and FATFS implementation. The secondary would be to fill a ping-pong buffer arrangement which is being DMA'd to the DAC peripheral.2014-11-19 08:24 AM
Thank you for your answer!!
I'm not really sure to have the knowledge for the solution that you describe but i'll do my best!!! If i've got more question i'll come back to you.We are quite alone for this project, my teacher didn't work on the STM32F4 so he can't really help us.....2014-11-19 09:29 AM
We are quite alone for this project, my teacher didn't work on the STM32F4 so he can't really help us.....
But presumably he can program in C to a post-grad level? And help you decompose the project in to bite-size steps you can achieve. Context, I was working with byte level file streams in high-school (UK Secondary), so I've got some expectations about what a under graduate college level professor/lecturer in a technology class should be able to do, and explain to his students. Push harder, your ability to succeed at the project really is at his door.