2009-09-23 4:29 AM
STM 32 stop mode problem
2011-05-17 4:24 AM
Hi, all,
I am new to stm32. I am developing a remote controller based on stm32F103RBT6. I want the RC to enter into stop mode when I press sleep. By reference of ''UM0306 Reference Manual''(version June 2007) Page 39/519 before enter the stop, i need to set EXTI_PR and RTC Alarm flag to reset value by using: EXTI->PR = 0x00; RTC->CRL &= ~0x02; PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_Regulator_LowPower, PWR_STOPEntry_WFI); but the current I got from the chip is around 1.7mA, which is quite far away from the standard stop mode current 24uA. Any one can light me up with some ideas? Great thanks.2011-05-17 4:24 AM
Ensure that the ADC and DAC modules are disabled during stop mode. Also, check for any inputs that are driving against any pull-ups activated on the pins. Similarly, check for outputs driving against pull-downs on external devices.