2014-04-16 2:37 AM
I'm having problems to produce correctly working landscape LCD with STemWin and STM32F429 discovery. I'm using STemWin_HelloWorld application from STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.1.0 as a base for my tests. I don't need to rotate screen during run-time.
I have only changed display drivers in LCDConf from GUIDRV_LIN_32 to GUIDRV_LIN_OSY_32 to produce landscape screen. This results correctly oriented screen with correctly printed texts with GUI_DispStringAt(). But background and painting functions like GUI_FillCircle() will create three striped areas on top of each others. Looks like a synchronisation problem but haven't manage to sort it out. Furthermore wondering why texts are working correctly and drawings not. Changing physical size to 240x240 fixes the problem - except it's not full screen and 320 width..Application code for this image:
GUI_SetFont(&GUI_Font20_1); GUI_DispStringAt(''Hello world!'', (LCD_GetXSize()-100)/2, (LCD_GetYSize()-20)/2); GUI_DispStringAt(''0'', 0, 0); GUI_DispStringAt(''1'', 100, 0); GUI_DispStringAt(''2'', 200, 0); GUI_DispStringAt(''3'', 300, 0); GUI_DispStringAt(''A'', 0, 100); GUI_DispStringAt(''B'', 0, 200); GUI_DispStringAt(''C'', 0, 300); GUI_FillCircle(100, 100, 10);Any ideas to fix this problem?
2014-05-30 2:58 AM
Can you please forward us the Segger's forum post ?With regards.2014-05-30 4:35 AM
Sorry for not including it in the previous post :) Here it is ...http://i111.indigo.fastwebserver.de/index.php?page=Thread&postID=5860#post5860
Thanks for looking into this,J2014-06-16 6:59 AM
Hi :) Have you by any chance had an opportunity to look into this some more?
2014-08-07 1:53 PM
has there been any progress on this?/M2014-08-15 11:31 AM
I just updated to the latest version of STM32Cube (which use Stegger 524b libraries) and the problem persists.
Out of desperation, I implementedHAL_LTDC_ErrorCallback(LTDC_HandleTypeDef *hltdc)
and I gethltdc->ErrorCode == HAL_LTDC_ERROR_FU (Frame Under run)
This error happens on the line:HAL_LTDC_ConfigLayer(&hltdc, &layer_cfg, LayerIndex); //when LayerIndex = 0
In : LCD_LL_LayerInit(uint32_t LayerIndex)Of: LCDConf_stm32f429i_disco_MB1075.cIs the frame under run error a red-herring, and if not, any suggestions on configuration variables that would help correct this?2015-05-06 2:02 AM
Any update on the landscape bug?I have seen more threads reporting this issue, but we still don't know what the problem is.From Heisenberg answer, I do understand that the landscape mode is not possible (available?).It would be interesting to know where the problem comes from, so when starting a new project we can choose the right hardware and firmware to avoid getting stuck with a portrait orientation.Is it related to the ST implementation of emWin? Or is it the LCD driver?Would it be the same problem with a different LCD controller?etc...Thanks for any hint,Franck.2015-09-28 6:11 AM
any solution to this problem so far??
2015-10-01 10:54 AM
2016-03-05 6:20 AM
I experimented quite the same problem.
While trying to rotate the screen on the STM32F429Disco with the GUIDRV_LIN_OSX_32 driver, images appear overlapped and/or with strange patterns in some zones.
I was able to solve the problem by changing code in the file “
�. I’m not sure, but I think there is a bug there.Here is my solution. In function “LCD_X_DisplayDriver�, I changed the following lines:
GUI_GetLayerPosEx(LayerIndex, (int*)&xPos, (int*)&yPos);
layer_prop[LayerIndex].xSize = ((LCD_X_SETSIZE_INFO *)pData)->xSize;
layer_prop[LayerIndex].ySize = ((LCD_X_SETSIZE_INFO *)pData)->ySize;
HAL_LTDC_SetWindowPosition(&hltdc, xPos, yPos, LayerIndex);
to the followings:
GUI_GetLayerPosEx(LayerIndex, (int*)&xPos, (int*)&yPos);
if( LCD_GetSwapXYEx(LayerIndex) )
layer_prop[LayerIndex].xSize = ((LCD_X_SETSIZE_INFO *)pData)->ySize;
layer_prop[LayerIndex].ySize = ((LCD_X_SETSIZE_INFO *)pData)->xSize;
layer_prop[LayerIndex].xSize = ((LCD_X_SETSIZE_INFO *)pData)->xSize;
layer_prop[LayerIndex].ySize = ((LCD_X_SETSIZE_INFO *)pData)->ySize;
HAL_LTDC_SetWindowPosition(&hltdc, xPos, yPos, LayerIndex);
Now everything is correctly displayed.
Hope this will help other people to correct their problem.
Kind Regards,