2014-06-11 6:01 AM
Hello. I am trying to run SPI full duplex communication using software NSS for STM32F103ZE downloaded from
. Its compiling and downloading without error. I have connected GPIOA 5,6,7 (SPI1) with GPIOB 13,14,15 (SPI2) respectively. The program is running ok till the while loop 'while (SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(SPIz, SPI_I2S_FLAG_RXNE) == RESET);' The program is not moving any further. It seems there is some problem with reception of data. Please suggest a solution to the problem. Thanks.2014-06-12 10:22 AM
I have a similar problem actually. Can you post your code? How do we debug without it lol
Also, you connected chip select right (for SPI1_NSS is PA4)