2007-11-07 8:19 PM
Software for the STM3210B-EVAL
2011-05-17 3:17 AM
i am trying to find any kind of software to test on the Evaluation Board, but I have only found the one STOne said on one post (freeRTOS). Anyway, i don't know how to transfer it to the board. Could anybody help me, please? Anyway, today i have tried to upgrade the demo software with DFU mode, but... it doesn't work! I have now my board empty :( An error is created at more or less 60-70% of upgrading. I think I am doing everything OK, but it is clear that there is any mistake. Do you know anything about this? Thanks! Marta2011-05-17 3:17 AM
Hi Marta,
You can refer to ''UM0435'' : STM3210B-EVAL demonstration software here the linkshttp://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/um/13534.pdf
. I hope this helps you ;) Regards, STOne-322011-05-17 3:17 AM
Yes... it helps me, but I already had those files.
I think that my problem with the board is due to i don't follow correctly all the stages. In particular, the first one: ''load the DFU firmware project using your preferred Toolchain and load the DFU image using JTAG for the first time''. Could you help me to do it right, please? And do you know if I can try another software on it? And where could I find it? Thank you again Marta