2017-01-20 2:58 PM
on page 15 is a formula for a ySineDigital
and my question is why in this formula is 0xFFF + 1 and not just 0xFFF?
2017-01-20 3:14 PM
it is normal for computer to start counting at Zero.
Zero has a right to life like any other number... and in the cybersphere Zero is usually the dominant processing flag
So, if you have 12 bit resolution it reads maximum 0xFFF, but it includes the entity called zero.
in fact you formula on page 15 is exactly that, Maximum value and the zero = 0xFFF + 1.= 4096
4096 counts = 12bit, the count starts with the 1st entity called Zero and ends at 0xFFF.
2017-01-20 8:59 PM
someone has to start the slow clap