2014-06-04 5:22 AM
Hi All,
May I know how to set Systick Timer to set for 1ms. The code in which I noticed was like thisif (SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000)) { /* Capture error */ while (1); }Is it set to 1ms. If so how is that calculated and what is the value to set SysTick for 1s. Thanks2014-06-04 6:32 AM
''May I know how to set Systick Timer to set for 1ms.'' ''SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000)'' SystemCoreClock is a constant (or vairable) defined somewhere, it is usually defined in a file related to he processor type/family eg system_stm32f4xxx.c It defines the clock rate the processor is running at. The 'sysTick' is just a timer peripheral, provided by ARM. The timer counts to the number you set and then triggers the SysTick interrupt when it reachs the trigger number and then the count resets. That is what SysTick_Config() does - sets the count trigger number. ''SystemCoreClock / 1000'' Since, the sysTick timer is being clocked at the same rate as the processor, setting the sysTick trigger number to CPU freq/1000 will cause it to triger 1000 times a second - ie 1ms. ''how is that calculated and what is the value to set SysTick for 1s.'' It may be as simple as ''SysTick_Config( SystemCoreClock )'' BUT 1) check what value SystemCoreClock is 2) check that the register size (number of bits) is large enough for the value of SystemCoreClock (If it is not - you will have to investigate using a pre-scaler)2014-06-04 7:02 AM
The ''/ 1000'' is determining the tick for 1/1000th of a second, a millisecond
The SysTick counter is only 24-bit, so you won't be able to do 1 second when clocking at over 16 MHz Having a 1ms ticker is quite useful, you can also count the number of times being called, and every 1000 call Task1Hz() Most OS implementations provide a 1 KHz value of time