2017-08-28 8:40 AM
I want to implement a slave I2C interface with STM32F411.
I can't know in advance how many bytes are going to be written from the master, or how many bytes are going to be read.
I followed this approach:
check in HAL_I2C_AddrCallback if it has been asked a Read or a Write operation;
if the master wants to read something, then use the HAL_I2C_Slave_Sequential_Transmit_IT to transmit the first byte. When this first byte is correctly sent and acknowledged, the HAL_I2C_SlaveTxCpltCallback is called: there I want to be able to understand if the master wants to receive more bytes or not...but I couldn't find the correct trigger.
I2C bus state is always 'STATE_LISTEN', both if it has been requested 1 byte, and if the master wants to read many bytes.
Of course I have the same problem if the master wants to write something: I thought to call the HAL_I2C_Slave_Sequential_Receive_IT to receive 1 byte, and call it again and again until there are data to be written.
In all the I2C examples that can be found under
the size of Rx and Tx buffer are fixed and predefined , and I couldn't find any useful clue to proceed.How can I check , being an I2C slave, if the Master sent a STOP condition to end its transaction?