2020-11-02 12:54 AM
I am using STM32 CubeProgrammer Api and I succesfully bootload my STM32H743ZI but it stays in bootloader mode after download, is there any way to ask a reset ?
There is a reset function in the dll but it specify that it only works in SWD/JTAG mode :
* \brief This routine used to apply a target reset.
* \note Reset operation is only available with JTAG/SWD debug interface.
* \param rstMode : Indicates the reset type Soft/Hard/Core #debugResetMode. \n
* \return 0 if the reset operation finished successfully, otherwise an error occurred.
int reset(debugResetMode rstMode) ;
Is it possible to send a reset intruction in DFU while the MCU is in bootloader mode ?
It should be possible because the STM32 Cube Programmer software is able to do a reset after programming.