2014-08-29 9:42 PM
I have an idea for freeRTOS in stm32cube and other RTOS, adding message bus feature to them!
Like a CAN bus this bus operate but between tasks instead of devices.
Many times a task have a message that can publish and many tasks are user of that message, each message must have an 8bit identifier that will be published at head of message(no crc).
each task have an adjustable filter/mask that can receive messages that need to get.
This method is better than send on message to several tasks separately.
2014-08-30 6:20 AM
Wouldn't it be simpler just to arrange your tasks and messages more effectively?
2014-08-31 2:56 AM
2014-08-31 4:10 AM
And how do you manage the life time of these messages?
Why would all tasks need to see the messages if you got the partitioning of tasks and dispatch done correctly in the first place? I sure as heck wouldn't be creating new hardware peripherals to solve what's really not an appropriate problem.