2016-04-20 8:03 AM
anyone has the implementation of RSA.2016-04-20 8:31 AM
A hash is like a checksum/crc (but with significantly more bits, and much harder to spoof), and proves the authenticity/validity of the decoded message, ie you got back what you put in.
You don't need to hash something to encrypt it. Compressing things before you encrypt them is advisable, and the data output by the encryption process is not going to be compressible.You could use the hash as an initialization vector I guess, it would be fairly message unique, assuming your message is different2016-04-20 9:05 AM
Hi Kaka,
What is exactly the cryptographic operation you want to perform ( Encryption , decryption , hash, signature...) IF I supposed that you want signing a message using RSA, in this case, you should hash this message and make the digest of this message as input for RSA -Hannibal-2016-04-20 12:21 PM
The library which i got is based on signature...Is there any libraries for RSA encryptiona and decryption from ST?
2016-04-21 12:35 AM
Any examples for RSA encryptiona and decryption?2016-04-21 6:39 AM
Hi kaka,
There is a package CUBE_CRYPTOLIB v3.1.0 which support RSA Enc/Dec will be available in the coming days in the ST website. -Hannibal-2016-04-27 8:27 AM