2016-02-22 3:26 AM
I have a question to the STM32F103 (high-density device): After using bxCAN (sending, receiving, using filters, ...) I want to set the CAN-controller in the initial state (as far it is possible without a hardware-reset). The documentation (referece manual) gives me two ways to reset the CAN-controller: 1. CAN_MCR, Bit 15 RESET -- bxCAN software master reset 2. RCC_APB1RSTR, Bit 25 CANRST -- CAN reset Is there finally a difference in the result (state of the CAN controller) after the reset? In which cases I have to leave the clock enabled for the CAN-controller? Is it necessary to have the clock enabled for the way via CAN_MCR? Or must the clock by enabled for both ways? The current implemented way is: - disable clock for CAN - using CAN_MCR, Bit 15 RESET for doing a reset Should I change anything? Thanks in advance for an answer. Best Regards, jk2016-02-22 5:36 AM
Does the register even work without a clock? I'd reset it, then turn off the clock.