2008-03-21 10:29 PM
ref manual clarification needed: GPIO locking
2011-05-17 03:26 AM
''5.1.6 GPIO locking mechanism
[...] it is no longer possible to modify the value of the port bit until the next reset.'' ''5.2.7 Port configuration lock register (GPIOx_LCKR) [...] it is no longer possible to modify the value of the port bit until the next reset.'' what reset? is a peripheral-local reset enough? software reset? POR?2011-05-17 03:26 AM
also TIM1 locking:
''12.4.12 Using the break function [...] The LOCK bits can be written only once after an MCU reset.'' ''12.5.18 Break and dead-time register (TIM1_BDTR) Bits 9:8 LOCK[1:0]: Lock Configuration. [...] The LOCK bits can be written only once after the reset. Once the TIM1_BDTR register has been written, their content is frozen until the next reset.'' same question, what type of reset will clear the lock?2011-05-17 03:26 AM
I tested the TIM1 lock; a peripheral reset (TIM1_DeInit()) clears it.