2020-02-13 10:30 AM
I'm making a tilt-compensate compass using an STM32L476RG, an MMC5983, and an LIS2HH12. I am able to get a compass heading and tilt and roll angles but the tilt compensation seems to make the compass heading error worse. I have calibrated both the magnetometer and accelerometer. Bellow are my calculations:
void calc_tilt(){
float pitch = asinf(-accel.x);
float roll = asinf((accel.y)/ (cosf(pitch)));
accel.pitch = pitch;//rotation arond y-axis
accel.roll = roll;//rotation around x-axis
if ((pitch == 90) || (pitch ==-90)){
roll = 0;
void calc_comp_field(){
mag.x_comp = mag.x*cosf(accel.pitch) + mag.z*sinf(accel.pitch);
mag.y_comp = mag.x*sinf(accel.pitch)*sinf(accel.roll) + mag.y*cosf(accel.roll) - mag.z*sinf(accel.roll)*cosf(accel.pitch);
mag.z_comp = -mag.x*cosf(accel.roll)*sinf(accel.pitch) + mag.y*sinf(accel.roll) + mag.z*cosf(accel.roll)*cosf(accel.pitch);
void getHead(){
float heading = 0;
if((mag.x_comp ==0)&&(mag.y_comp<0)){
heading = 90;
} else if ((mag.x_comp==0)&&(mag.y_comp>0)){
heading = 0;
heading = (atan2f(-mag.y_comp,mag.x_comp))*(180/M_PI);
if(heading < 0){
heading = heading + 360;
} else if (heading >360){
heading = heading - 360;
mag.heading = heading;
I also found that when I combine the accelerometer lsb and msb I need to do it opposite* (see code segment bellow for clarification on this) or it will yield a cubic gain matrix rather than a spherical one. The magnetometer functions as expected.
*code: reg_vals[I] is a register into which my data is read. it is read in the order xl, xh, yl, yh, zl, zh, so reg_vals[0] is xlsb and so on. I would expect to do (lsb<<8)|msb but this doesn't work and I am unable to get an accurate tilt measurment but I found that msb<<8|lsb works fine. Any idea where I'm giong wrong?
float Ax_Raw = ((int16_t)(reg_vals[1]<<8) | reg_vals[0]);
float Ay_Raw = ((int16_t)(reg_vals[3]<<8) | reg_vals[2]);
float Az_Raw = ((int16_t)(reg_vals[5]<<8) | reg_vals[4]);
2020-02-13 9:23 PM
The endianness only applies to memory, not processor registers. Also, it would be a good habit to cast the result to float too, before assignment.
float Ax_Raw = (float)((int16_t)(reg_vals[1]<<8) | reg_vals[0]);
I'd also output the readouts to verify the chip orientations.
2020-02-14 5:36 AM
I verified the chip orientation and double checked that it matched the other chip. Still no joy. When I tilt it, the un-compensated value changes in the same direction (either increasing or decreasing the heading) but to a lesser degree so it is slightly more accurate than the "compensated" value. This has me thinking that maybe I am compensating in the "wrong" direction, making the heading error worse. I've tried playing around with the sign of the compensated values but still nothing.
2020-02-14 9:03 AM
In axis transformations, sequence is important. I believe you need to roll before you pitch.
Cheers, Hal
2020-02-14 9:08 AM
can you clarify what you mean? In my calc_tilt() function I need to calculate pitch first, as that value is used to calculate roll.