2013-01-24 9:39 PM
Dear All,
I bought any product that contained STM32F103C8T6 48-pin mcu. I try to re-program it with my own hex file using Flash Loader Demonstrator and it can be wrote and verified correctly but the application can not run after i reset the device with Boot0 in low level. What i've been missing? From the board, I found boot1 is No Connection and NRST is pulled-up to 3V3. Thanks in advance.2013-01-25 4:56 AM
That code compiles and links is no guarantee it's actually valid or usable. Suggest you debug it.
For example if you code expects to enable HSE and waits for it to start you will have big problems if the board does not have an external crystal attached. You'll need to be much more detailed about the board and your code if you want others to debug the issue remotely.2013-01-25 5:05 AM
''I bought any product that contained STM32F103C8T6 48-pin mcu''
Clearly, you can't just take any arbitrary product and drop-in any arbitrary code and expect it to ''just work''!!
2013-01-25 5:57 AM
Thanks for the reply sir,
Sorry sir, I don't have Debugger Tools yet. I have tested with simple test program, blink GPIO with any delay combination and also timer. I also make receive serial data and send it back (echo). but nothing's happened. I found most GPIOs in floating condition (maybe, i'm not sure if floating) with voltage between 1.7 - 2.4 V. Should i connect BOOT1 to ground to make sure boot selection to main flash? And what will happen if with this floating BOOT1 accessed by Flash Loader Demonstator? because programming and verifying are success. Thank you very much, sir.2013-01-25 6:17 AM
About the board, i usually use it for general application and now, i want to modify it to custom purpose. All GPIO is used as output and it connected to HC245 that this HC245 is always used as single direction since his direction pin is connected to VCC. This board uses 8 MHz crystal, RTC with 32.768 KHz crystal and external EEPROM.
2013-01-25 7:38 AM
The state of BOOT1 doesn't make an issue for programming, just make sure it's default is such that the choice between RAM/FLASH execution is clear.