2013-03-21 3:29 PM
hi all,
please i need help. I have to generate 2 signals PWM like this:2013-03-21 4:14 PM
Set up two timers, with 50/50 duty, and frequency you want. Program the 90 degree phase difference via the CNT register of one timer with respect to the other.
2013-03-22 3:07 AM
Thx Clive, i'll try it
2013-03-22 4:50 AM
2013-03-22 6:25 AM
TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Period = 300 - 1; For Duty TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_Pulse = 300 / 2; // 50% for duty For Phase Delta in CNT for one timer vs other will be 75, ie 300 / 4 for 25% or 90 degree phase shift