2010-05-24 8:41 AM
PWM and sinusoidal waves
2011-05-17 4:52 AM
(1) You have not given us enough information. We therefore can not do your homework for you.
(2) But if you had given us enough information we would simply refuse to do your homework. Homework, like paid microcontroller work, requires some understanding to start. Both produce learning in the one(s) doing the work. Even after 40+ years each new project teaches me something. Of course today, my learning is more about how compressed sawdust pellets burn. First you need to understand what you are given and what you are to do with it. Start with your inputs. Are your sinusoidal signal inputs analog? Are they superimposed on a triangular carrier? Or are you supposed to create PWM outputs? RTFM (RM0008 - it’s only slightly over 1K pages) for details on each STM32 Peripheral you use. Uh, that’s Read The Fine Manual.2011-05-17 4:52 AM
''we are totally newbie about microcontrollers, but we have to do a school project''
If it's a School project, then the object of the exercise is for you to put into practise what you have learned on the course so far. If you really feel unable to do this, then you need to talk to your tutor, counsellor, mentor, or whatever. See also: