2015-01-01 12:11 AM
1 : when enable FreeRTOS , HAL_IncTick() function not attached in systick_handler automaticly . there is a lot of problem to work HAL library.
2 : in stm32f4 when enable adc ''End of Conversion Selection'' do not have DISABLE option.2016-01-07 7:21 AM
Hi askari.nima,
1-The issue is already known and reported, you can resolve it by implementing the workaround mentioned in this [DEAD LINK /public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32Java/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32Java/stm32f4%20usb%20cdc%20problem¤tviews=28]post.2-There is no ''DISABLED'' option that should be added for ''end of conversion''.-Shahrzad-2016-01-25 10:21 AM
For configurations using freeRTOS, the user shall systematically change the default HAL time-base (systick) to an hardware time-base.
HAL time base relative functions are weak to allow the user to select another hardware time-base.In next CubeMX 4.13 version, under the SYS peripheral, it will be possible to select a different timing source for the HAL (tim1, tim2, rtc,...) and automatically generate the functions overloading the weak HAL time base relative functions.
This way, RTOS and HAL time-base will be completely disassociated. Note also, that user code placed in the HAL user callbacks should use safe FreeRTOS APIs only.