2018-01-18 2:14 AM
Hi all, i'm using STM32F407VG Discovery with expansion board. I have two questions:
1 - Why when i try to connect my smt32f4 using the 5V pin and the GND pin with an external power supply without a USB connection my C application sotred in the flash of my STM32 don't start (i try to remove the ST-LINK jumpers on the board but the problem remains)
2- Anyone know the maximum power consumption of the STM32F4 + EXP board... I see on my supply 160mA. It's too much?
Thank you very much for the answers!
2018-01-18 8:20 AM
Check the version of the ST-LINK firmware in use. Seem to recall V25 being an issue with USB Charger type connections.
The jumpers just address the SWDIO/SWCLK pins, the ST-LINK still has a connection to NRST, and can clamp it low.
2018-01-18 8:50 AM
Basic tests with volmeter to be sure that you powered the target MCU? Don't assume - just measure to be sure..