2018-04-15 01:26 PM
Hello all,
I'm currently working on a senior design project using the STM32F411CE on a PCB. It will be interfacing with the RN4020 BLE. A mistake was made during the PCB design process and the USART6 TX/RX pins were swapped.
I was told by someone that this can be fixed by swapping the TX/RX uC pins internally, but I was unable to find anything regarding this in the datasheet. Is this possible? If so, how?
Thanks in advance.
2018-04-16 01:05 AM
unfortunately, according to Alternate Functions Table 9 of DM00115249.pdf document, there is no way to swap USART6 TX/RX signals via software unless you are going to bitbang them.
I am not aware of any other means to swap them.