2015-09-17 02:15 AM
i'm using the STM32F334C8 discovery board and i want to use the boot loader.I set Boot0 to 3,3V and restart the board.When i send the 0x7F data to the USART1 RX pin, i get no answer from the board.The nBoot1 bit is set to 1 so the microcontroller should go into the boot loader mode as described in the documentation.The flash protection is at level 0 (no protection).I can see that the board doesn't jump to my application (because some leds are turned off) so i think it jumps to the boot loader mode or embedded SRAM mode.The Usart communication works because i use it in my application. I can see the byte 0x7F on the pin with my oscilloscope.Com parameters are : 8 bits, even parity and 1 stop bitThanks in advance