2014-02-11 9:02 AM
STMicroelectronics has announced the New STM32 Ultra-low-power MCU ARM CortexTM-M0+ based: STM32L0 Series
The new STM32L0 ultra-low-power series features a 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) that sets a new standard for low power consumption, and a USB FS 2.0 crystal-less solution. With the ADC consuming just 40�A at a conversion speed of 100ksps, rising to just 200�A at 1.14Msps. The STM32L0 Series are manufactured in ST�s proprietary CMOS technology that offers both embedded EEPROM, as well as the industry�s smallest variation in power consumption over the 25�C - 125�C temperature range, leading to record low consumption levels at elevated temperatures. This makes the STM32L0 microcontrollers particularly suitable for (distributed) industrial sensor applications relying on batteries or energy harvesting.
The STM32L0 series is offered in three lines: Access line, USB line, and USB/LCD line. Common features of all of the new devices include outstanding power consumption in several modes including 139 �A/MHz @ 32MHz, 87 �A/MHz using an optimized mode, and 400nA in Stop mode with full RAM retention and a 3.5�s wake-up time. The series also features up to 64KB of Flash memory, up to 8KB of SRAM, and 2KB of embedded true EEPROM. A built-in hardware oversampling capability also enables 16-bit ADC resolution. STM32L0 devices with integrated USB FS 2.0 interface support battery charger detection and link power management. Crystal-less operation of the USB is enabled via a built-in 48 MHz oscillator. All the lines offer built- in hardware engine encryption (AES) as an option.
STM32L0 web page STM32L0 press release Meet us from February 25th to 27th at Nuremberg Embedded Show. #stm32l02014-04-24 2:56 AM
Hi Thierry,
How about the STM32L053 Standard Perpheral Library? I am developing Meter with STM32L053, need the libarary ASAP. Thanks.2014-04-24 4:33 AM
For commercial designs you'd get support through your local ST rep or FAE, use that channel.
2014-04-28 9:31 AM
There will be 2 firmware options for STM32L0:
Same request in
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2014-06-20 9:24 PM
Good to see that the ADC power consumption has been reduced in this device. I hope it will become available soon.
I've been using the STM32L151 for an audio application running off a coin cell, and the ADC is the one thing that was using more current than I expected (for a sample rate below 20Ksps).I like the ''code snippets'' idea. This would have saved me a lot of time. I just want to know what bits need to be twiddled in which register and in what order to get a peripheral going.The only extra thing I want from these chips is some sort of hardware IIR filter peripheral - and possibly a reverb processor.