2013-02-02 11:59 AM
Hello! Just getting to know my brand new STM32F4 discovery board.
Downloaded all the documentation, which is referred to throughout the site.Just thought I'd point out that athttp://www.st.com/internet/evalboard/product/252419.jspthere are lots of application notes, but they download as the wrong filename.For example AN3990 actually downloads as DM00039672, but inside it's actually AN3990!I've gone through all my downloads, opening each in a preview window, and retitled them correctly (tedious), but just thought I'd point it out for any other confused newbies! #documentation-feedback2013-02-03 5:48 AM
No, the names are not ''wrong'' - it's just that ST (as many others) do not choose to use the document title as the filename.
2013-02-04 12:09 AM
Albeit you are technically correct, I would like to mention that the time of 8.3 file names is over, at least at host systems. There is no need to stick to those cryptical naming conventions.
And ''others do it, too'' is not really an excuse for ST...