2018-06-04 9:30 PM
Hi there,
I have been back to high power design.
My system contains 3phase, 380V, 50Hz ac input, secondary surge protector, Aux Tr ( single phase, 380V/220V, 300VA), phase transformer( 3ph, 380v/12v,0v,12v,100VA) and a main transformer ( 3ph, 380V/9V,18V,800VA),
SCR(1600V, 50A) bridge, DC reactor( DC 20V,20A). Rectifier output should be DC 20V 20A.
My requested EVM should be,
1. PTR secondary windings phase, amplitude and rating controller.
2. MTRs secondary fuse (690V, 32 A) sensing
3. SCRs switching controller.
4. 50mlV, 30A shunt sensing,
5. GPS communication,
6. RSM
7. LAN
8. Display....etc,
Kindly recommend me one.
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#high-power #rts #rs-232 Note: this post was migrated and contained many threaded conversations, some content may be missing.2018-06-05 3:33 AM
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That is what probably happened ...
To get useful suggestions, you might want to be a bit more precise with your requirements, especially regarding accuracy, data throughput, and communication protocols.
The last two items (LAN and display) seem the most critical to me.
What exactly means RSM in this context ?
2018-06-06 7:11 PM
Dear Sir Avatar,
Nice to get your feedback, I remembered you helped me a lot in last project at 2016.
To get useful suggestions, you might want to be a bit more precise with your requirements, especially regarding accuracy, data throughput, and communication protocols.
At this inital stage, I am afraid about data protocol. But what I have understand this I/O board should be follow RS-232 with PC.
The last two items (LAN and display) seem the most critical to me. What exactly means RSM in this context.
This power system is connected with a test station locally and also far away. System should be perform with LAN facility ( may be for data network). Display should be use for voltage, current, time, setting etc.
Last iteam, I did wrong. It should be RMCS. This system should be monitored from thousand miles away. Remot control monitoring service is required.
Let me think about the system device more deeply. Looks complex !
2018-06-06 11:52 PM
At this inital stage, I am afraid about data protocol. But what I have understand this I/O board should be follow RS-232 with PC.
I asked because there are protocols around in this domain which are a bit complex, requiring some code space. RS232 itself should not be a problem.
Neither are a few text lines of a graphical display - unless you want HD or UHD ...
System should be perform with LAN facility ( may be for data network). ... This system should be monitored from thousand miles away. Remot control monitoring service is required.
In my experience, the actual data flow to/from the device is not the problem. But hardly any 'IoT' device works properly in a normal office network, the by-going traffic just floods the network interface. If you can control such unrelated traffic (e.g. with an ethernet switch), this should work as well.
The electrical measurements sound pretty standard, the transducers/converters to get MCU-allowable voltage levels are much more expensive than the MCU itself.
2018-06-11 4:01 AM
Dear Sir Avatar,
For seek of simplicity, let me add a control diagram which in case should be modify in detail. This is older one.
Here we go
In my experience, the actual data flow to/from the device is not the problem. But hardly any ''IoT'' device works properly in a normal office network, the by-going traffic just floods the network interface. If you can control such unrelated traffic (e.g. with an ethernet switch), this should work as well.
If the network has complex algorithm, which tool you could suggest?
The electrical measurements sound pretty standard, the transducers/converters to get MCU-allowable voltage levels are much more expensive than the MCU itself.
Selecting a suitable MCU is important. Which one you want to suggest?
2018-06-11 4:28 AM
If the network has complex algorithm, which tool you could suggest?
In most cases, the protocol on the MCU and the remote site ist not the problem.
Rather, it is unrelated traffic generated by other ethernet nodes. MCUs tend to have simple PHYs without deep package buffers, so the MCU needs to check each received frame. For a decent 100MBit network, this usually floods the core, eating up >100% performance at peak load situations.
I don't know the network environment of you nodes. If you can keep all disturbances out, and reduce traffic to those related to your application, a STM32F4xx might work.
For the 'IoT' stuff so heavily advertized everywhere, this is almost never the case.
Selecting a suitable MCU is important.
Ethernet and graphics tend to suggest a Cortex M4 like the F4 series, or a M7.
This MCUs use to have at least 2 ADCs (>= 16 channels) with internal calibration, I would perhaps reserve one channel for an external reference voltage.
Which one you want to suggest?
I would invide a ST representative, and ask him.
He can suggest you proper evaluation boards, and will keep your information confidential.
Just make sure you get a technical expert, not a sales-only guy ...
2018-06-11 9:04 PM
MCUs tend to have simple PHYs without deep package buffers, so the MCU needs to check each received frame. For a decent 100MBit network, this usually floods the core, eating up >100% performance at peak load situations
If MCU is enough to handle the job, then lets accept it. These network suff is unknown to me. Interesting to see how it floods the core. Can you suggest a very common application example ?
I don't know the network environment of you nodes. If you can keep all disturbances out, and reduce traffic to those related to your application, a STM32F4xx might work.
As far as I understand, voltage, current, device status, location, operation time, fault report , etc have to send from site.
Like RSTP/STP for network redundancy mananged by ethernet switches.
Ethernet and graphics tend to suggest a Cortex M4 like the F4 series, or a M7.
This MCUs use to have at least 2 ADCs (>= 16 channels) with internal calibration, I would perhaps reserve one channel for an external reference voltage.
Yes, I think so. Most crucial thing is to manage the ADCs. Need to understand which voltage/current signal we gonna use.
I would invide a ST representative, and ask him.
He can suggest you proper evaluation boards, and will keep your information confidential.
Yes, I need help. Kindly connect him.
2018-06-12 12:54 AM
If MCU is enough to handle the job, then lets accept it. These network suff is unknown to me. Interesting to see how it floods the core. Can you suggest a very common application example ?
Not exactly sure what you mean.
But for a quick test, you can take a web server example, e.g. for a F4 board, and connect it directly to your host PC.
And for comparison, connect it to an average office environment, with 10 ... 50 PCs, network printers, etc., and see how it behaves.
Or search for issues IoT application here or on other fora.
I would definitely measure the amount and type of network traffic in your target environment.
Most crucial thing is to manage the ADCs. Need to understand which voltage/current signal we gonna use.
You will probably need to check the accuracy requirements for this analog signals, and see if the internal ADCs are matching. I think the most elaborate part of this is the converter circuitry to get the signal down to the 0 .. 3.3V range.
Yes, I need help. Kindly connect him.
Sorry, can't do that. I am not an ST employee, nor do I have any affiliation with ST.
I would urge the project management to invite possible vendors, and have them making suggestions.
2018-06-21 8:50 PM
Dear Sir Avatar,
After going through deeply your suggestions, I feel like I need to think more about current and voltage controll in this system besides other things we have discussed.
Introducing FPGA could be a solution,dynamic range of the ADC is needed.
Kindly take a look this resaerch paper.
________________ Attachments : fpga_application.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HxTq&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000ayd%2FT_VkhZrnzbv836nhPYpDBDEWmtN_D7Vgz98Ds2cbltc&asPdf=false