2020-10-21 4:13 AM
The company has a very old product with LPC2468. I need a replacement from STM32. Please give me a suggestion. The device is powered by 2 AA batteries, has a black-white LCD, and a micro-USB port for connection to PC. I want to keep the same power consumption and most C source code.
Thanks in advance!
2020-10-21 4:39 AM
If battery life is important to you, then I would select the STM32L4(+) chip. The M4 core can do more with less instructions - saving even more power (especially if you have to do any signal processing or maths etc. - you haven't mentioned if any special processing is required). I don't know much about the LPC2468 - but a quick look at the data sheet shows that it was pretty power hungry - (I assume the company would happy with longer battery life, rather than "keep the same power consumption" as you mention). Don't know much about the ARM7 core, but maybe this will be helpful https://www.arm.com/zh/files/pdf/Cortex-M3_programming_for_ARM7_developers.pdf
2020-10-23 10:02 PM
There is no special maths. Actually just some calculation of measurement form ADC. If STM32L4 needs less power, it would be a better replacement. I will check the website. Thanks!