2022-04-29 8:12 AM
Good morning!
I'm facing two kinds of problems, both when we are trying to boot the system by a remote application.
The first one is caused by a non writing of the RTC backup register. As shows the example below:
As we can see, in the STM32L151RBT6A I can't write from the backup registers with address 0x40002864 forward, problem that doesn't happen in the STM32L151RBT6 Version. Following the datasheet, we can see that the new version has 20 thirty-two bits backup registers. There is any assumption why i can't use all of them? Just the first 5 ones and without change any configuration, the forward register is not writable? There is any division between the first 5 backup registers and the others 15?
The second one consists in a fail of flash, in the very first moment we receive the boot by GSM and we save the code in a external flash, the problem is that the micro seems to corrupt the external memory, it saves the code in the wrong address. This problem causes a total failure in our product. Using the same external flash with the micro RBT6 (not RBT6A) the problem doesn’t happen. Any idea what could be?
As I could verify in the datasheet, the differences between the 2 boards are usually related to the consumption of the board. This shouldn’t be a problem since my linear regulator is working with just 50% of his capacity.
I still haven’t found a solution for any of our problems.
I'm using the IAR Embedded workbench IDE, v8.32.4.
As compiler, the IAR standard compiler.
Thanks for your attention.