2024-04-24 8:52 AM
I have been developing a system using an SMT32L476 but it is only rated to 125C .
I'm looking for a temperature range of 150C . Its is desing into a piece of test equipment that goes within a thermal Chamber and cna overshoot ot 130-50 before settling at 125C
Anyone any idea what STM have that has similar functionality to the above ?
2024-04-24 8:56 AM
No, you're deep in thermal migration territory.
Definitely no STM32 parts, and perhaps at top edge of the Automotive parts.
2024-04-24 9:00 AM
Trouble seems to be that there is an element of self heating and the internal temp sensor reads 130c above that we lose USB comms .
2024-04-24 10:49 AM - edited 2024-04-24 10:49 AM
What's your clock source?
Perhaps beyond the range of the crystal and almost certainly XO / TCXO, and several things that might have EEPROM holding characteristics/calibration
Conversation you might was to have with local sales office and FAE / Support Engineer.
Might suggest opening a support ticket. https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/support/support-home.html
2024-04-25 1:57 AM
Hi ..
We can see the at the micro is still executing code as we put in a simple toggle LED on every loop and added a time out so our issue is primarily with the comms side. We are considering a Peltier device as cooling but that has it problems too with heat dissipation at a high ambient .
Thanks for the links to the FAEs I couldn't find them on the STM website which is one of the reasons I started the chat .