2021-08-23 12:43 AM
I would like to use MCP2515 module which can be found here. Is there any tested official or nonoffical library that I can use with stm32f429-disco developer kit? Thanks inadvanced.
2021-08-23 3:25 PM
"stm32 mcp2515" returns quite a few results.
2021-08-24 12:36 AM
I have tried that one but it has not completed. There is missing files like "can.h".
2022-03-21 4:23 AM
Hi, i have same issue you had. Did you solve it or find another file?
2022-03-21 6:33 AM
Related https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00001ROHTeSAP/mcp2515-with-stm32f429
Are there Arduino libraries perhaps?
2023-02-24 11:49 AM
Hi, I'm having the same issue, have you found a solution yet? I'm using a STM32WL55 board, and using this library: https://github.com/eziya/STM32_SPI_MCP2515
2023-02-24 12:59 PM
That it can't find "can.h", or something else?
2023-02-24 1:26 PM
Actually the can.h is on the reference that the github above used, but I didn't try with this code.
I too am trying to comunicate the MCP2515 with the STM, with the library that I sent before, but it isn't working for my case. I already spoke to the owner of the code and it works fine for the stm32f1xx. I made the alterations for the wlxx, but I still can't receive any data.