2012-07-12 9:32 AM
I'm wondering if it's possible to generate a clock (or 1PPS) on the MCO pin? I'm just not sure how far down you can divide this clock... If this isn't feasible, is it possible to generate a 1PPS with the RTC?
2012-07-12 10:02 AM
Don't think so. Can you use a TIM output in PWM?
2012-07-12 10:15 AM
Ummm, if the STM32F4 can do that, then yes. This doesn't really have to be a 50% duty cycle standard clock. All I'm looking for is sub 30Hz pulses. 1PPS is desired, but multiple would be ok as well...I'll be driving the input to a frame sync pin on another part. Would I be able to use PWM to generate such an external pulse at said rate?
2012-07-12 10:23 AM
Assuming a 84 MHz, or 168 MHz input, set the prescaler to 42000-1, and then period to 2000-1 or 4000-1 respectively, and then set the width to a 100 or so, or 2000/2 Want finer granularity a prescaler of 4200-1, or some other factored combination.2012-07-12 10:27 AM
Alright, I'll take a look at this. As always, thanks clive!