2009-10-23 6:41 AM
Magic Packet detection STM32F107
2011-05-17 4:27 AM
Anyone have experience with the Ethernet MAC controller in the STM32F107? I am trying to do what the manual (RM0008) describes to go into power down mode and wakeup when the ethernet mac controller detects a ''magic packet''. The manual describes the recommended power down sequence in the Power Management (PMT) section (RM0008 rev 9 pg. 871). I am having trouble with step 3. The manual says:
''Wait until the Receive DMA empties all the frames from the Rx FIFO.'' I have disabled the MAC receiver at this point so I shouldn't be getting any more data into the FIFO. I just need to wait until the DMA empties what is in the FIFO to memory. It doesn't describe how to do it, perhaps because it is supposed to be self explanatory? But I can't think how to do that. How do you do that? How do I know if the Receive DMA is doing anything and how do I know when it is done?2011-05-17 4:27 AM
OK, I think I figured this out so nevermind. The RPS bits in the ETH_DMASR describe the receive DMA state which is what I need.