2018-06-09 7:51 AM
i am working on stm32l071, interfacing with LIS1DW12 i have configured
1. Write 64h in CTRL1 // Turn on the accelerometer // ODR = 200 Hz, High-Performance
2. Write 04h in CTRL6 // FS 2 g LOW_NOISE enabled
3. Write 20h in CTRL7 // Do not use low-pass filter for 6D, enable interrupts
4. Write 40h in TAP_THS_X // Set 6D threshold (6D_THS[1:0] = 10b = 60 degrees)
5. Write 80h in CTRL4_INT1_PAD_CTRL // 6D interrupt driven to INT1 pin
6. write 10h in CTRL3
getting satus SIXED register change the direction of 6D
but didn't get interrupt in MCU from INT1 LIS2DW12