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Keil vs Atollic - same code different behaviour


Hi everyone,

It's almost christmass time and I'm working on some light effects for my daughter using WS2812B chained leds. I found out, that the same code compiled with Keil works fine, but compiled with Atollic true studio, I get some "flickering" and unwanted effects (due to some delays). The code is really simple, I use SPI master out only with DMA. I arrange an array of integers (24*number of leds) and then shoot the array out using DMA. The leds are hooked up to a Nucleo 32 (L432KC) running at full speed (80M). The peripheral, DMA and Clock are set using CubeMX and HAL. Does anybody know, why this occures?


Keil doesn't use GNU/GCC?

I would watch for things that cause latent failure like not using volatile keyword properly, failure to initialize auto/local variables properly, or overly aggressive optimization.

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Thank you very much. I found the problem was the USB cable. I use Keil on a windows computer, but now I'm home using Linux and Atollic. That made me think of compiler differences, but the real problem was the USB cable loosing some contact and not providing enough power to the board (that caused unwanted flickering). Sorry for bothering you, guys,

Best regards!