2014-05-12 5:19 AM
is there a possibility to make debuging scripts for STM32 processors in Keil uvision MDK?2014-05-21 9:01 AM
Hi hospodar.ivan,
This is possible! You can find helpful documentation on ARM web site for :Scripting langage:
Debug from command line
Best Regards, Nouha2016-06-02 7:29 AM
I would like to write debug/signal functions for my STM32F429I discovery board. Unfortunately the Debugger complains with ''undefined identifier'' for any input or output register, e.g. S0IN or AIN0.When I execute ''DIR VTREG'', the debugger outputs the following result.
TRAPS: ulong, value = 0x00000000
TRIGFLT: ulong, value = 0x00000000STCLK: ulong, value = 0x00000000XTAL: ulong, value = 0x007A1200CLOCK: ulong, value = 0x007A1200Does this mean, the registers for ADC, Serial Port or the GPIO's are not supported? The project was generated using STM32CubeMX.
Thanks in advance for any support.