2015-12-28 2:07 AM
Hello to all,
just to inform you about an inconsistency of HAL_GPIO_INIT: I have a pin which triggers an EXT-Int and is also an input to the timer capture register. With Standard Peripheral Library configuring EXT-Int and Alternate Function was separate. There was no conflict at all. Now with in HAL_GPIO_INIT Alternate Function and EXT-Int config is combined. And here comes the problem: If you configure the alternate function first and thereafter the external interrupt feature, the last call to HAL_GPIO_INIT sets the MODER register to input mode!! So your previous alternate function setting in MODER is gone.... However if you configure the EXT-Int first and thereafter the alternate function everything is ok. I hope this saves at least a little bit of time to the programmers who have to switch from peripheral lib to CUBE best regards Andy