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Is EEPROM Emulation possible with STM32F030F4P6 MCU ?


I wish to read/write data from FLASH Memory (i.e., execute EEPROM Emulation since internal EEPROM is not available).

I referred to firmware example code for STM32F030R8, the User_Flash that user can read and write starts from PAGE_16 to PAGE_63 i.e, 16 kB onwards (since it has a 64 kB FLASH).

However, for STM32F030F4P6, the FLASH available is merely 16 kB ( PAGE_0 to PAGE_15).

As per the datasheet, User_Flash memory seems not described properly for each MCU separately.

So, my question is whether it is possible to read/write data from/to FLASH using STM32F030F4P6 ? Or it is merely not possible due to 16kB Flash limitation of the same?



Lead III

I see no reason why you can't use pages you choose from the region PAGE_0 to PAGE_15. But you will have to edit the example to suit.

You need at least two pages to emulate EEPROM, so you'll only have at most 14k for your code. And with C++ compilers, things will get very tight!

There is a fallacy where people always try to cram as much as possible into the smallest / cheapest chip. (I'm guilty of this). Unless you are making things in really huge quantities, the saving in unit cost could easily be outweighed by the increase in development effort.

An exception is where the small part is the one that you already have mounted on your board.

Hope this helps, Danish

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