2009-10-29 8:14 PM
Interrupts lost while interrupts are disabled
2011-05-17 4:28 AM
in my program, the Systick-interrupt sets an external interrupt request in the EXTI-SWIER. When this is done, while the corresponding bit in the EXTI-IMR is set, everything is ok. But when: - the main routine disables this int by clearing the IMR-bit - with the cleared IMR-bit the SWIER-bit is set (by the still enabled Systick-int with high priority) - the main routine reenables the int then the SWIER bit remains set, but no pending request is set and no int is generated. It looks like the SWIER is ANDED with the IMR, in contrast to the block diagram in RM0008 (June 2009-Version), 9.2.2- Figure 20. But even then there should be an interrupt when SWIER and IMR - bits are set, regardless of the sequence of their settings. Right? Even more, it is said that the PendingRequestRegister must be cleard by software by writing a 1 to the bit. But this is done by hardware at the start of the interrupt service routine. At the same time the SWIER-Bit is automatically cleared. So, no action has to be taken in software. (That's what I found out). Detlef