2015-02-15 6:11 PM
Hi,This is kiran kadam.currently i am working on gsm based project.tools i am using for development are stm32f429 disco board,sim900 module,level converter and ewarm7.3
i am stuck at interrupt driven uart.i have written code for usart but code does not work properly.i know i am missing something but could not trace out.even i tried example code from st dedicated for this board that too didnt worked out.pls help me out as soon as possible as it is urgent for me.i can see TXE ,TC flag are set but receiving giving me trouble.for instance i have shorted TX,RX to echo back whatever i am sending. pls help your help will be appreciated. Regards,Kiran Kadam2015-02-19 3:31 AM
Actually I think you'll find the main portion of the board is 3V, but there is a 5V supply which would likely suffice for the LCD. Or you could pick a more suitable LCD.
Olimex has many designed using typical 16x2 displays, you could review those designs. Beyond the supply/backlight/contrast, you'd need 4 data bits, and a couple of control signals for a minimal interface.2015-02-22 8:02 PM
Hi clive1,new problem has arised.my application works perfectly in debug mode.as soon as i get disconnected from debug mode and tries to restart application by pressing reset button ,lcd goes white.i mean i dont know whats happening inside chip.pls help on this.
Rgds,Kiran Kadam