2008-12-08 2:42 AM
Integrating Examples Into Design
2011-05-17 3:55 AM
To control the STM32F103RE chip, i am thinking I would be able to load whatever I made onto my design with just a USB and JTAG connector (like those on the STM eval boards).
However, when working further, i found that STM has its own EVAL board as well as KEIL having their own as well. Each board has their own set of Example codes to 'blink' all the LEDs in a continuous loop. However, i made the mistake of trying to load the KEIL example onto the STM3210E-EVAL board and was able to load the program onto the onchip flash, however, it did not flash the LEDs. I just want to make sure that it is just the pinouts on the KEIL eval board that are connected to those LEDs on the KEIL board (so different I/Os than the STM eval board) and I am not missing an integral part on my designed board that is soon being fabricated, thanks you2011-05-17 3:55 AM
Yes, ST Evaluation board Hardware is different from the Keil One, Therefore this is normal behavior since the GPIO Ports are not routed to the same leds. For more details, refer to schematics and Boards manual of your provider. Cheers, STOne-32.2011-05-17 3:55 AM
STM has its own EVAL board
Actually, STM has two different Eval boars. The examples accommodate this with conditional compilation - so you just have to modify that mechanism to accommodate the Keil board. That's the approach I used to get the ST examples running on an Olimex board... 8-)