2016-02-03 6:03 AM
Application examples from stmcube are ready to use on MDK, SW4 and Truestudio.
when I try to import these apps, Eclipse sees SW4 and TrueSTUDIO. and I can import them. But cant edit the tool chain and builder. I am using GNU arm-non eabi.Has someone did this before ?Thanks2016-02-03 6:41 AM
AC6 or Attolic are eclipse based, but importing project for the to clean eclipse is imposible by plugin settings.
If you want you must create new project, paste all neccesary files and configure it. This isn't easy job. I use too original based eclipse to develop STM32 with makefile. But was never import any example. I hate any ST libraries. ;). I prefer my own solution, much more portable and optimazed.